Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Does this look like garbage?

My kids like projects, they are ALWAYS creating things...To be honest, I think I started it with Trace's Star Wars ship I made him for his birthday last year.  To cut down on the clutter, I told them that if it looks like garbage, or is left on the floor, it will get thrown away. Justin asked me to take pictures of these. He says that the kids make something and bring it up to him and ask,"Does this look like garbage?" He told MacKelle "Yes", the other day, and she said "oh, I need some wrapping paper". They are funny, and very creative. 

So the above picture is Trace's "Electric guitar"...which he said didn't sound anything like he hoped. :)

Totally random, but had to post this.  Mason REALLY likes his binkies...

 This is Trace's "ship" he made...

 MacKelle made this "car" for her Zhu-Zhu pet...

 MacKelle's "ship" she made...

 Another of Trace's "ships"...

 ANOTHER of Trace's "ships"...

 MacKelle made this "hamster cage" for her Zhu-Zhu pet...

This is Trace's collection of airplanes...some of which came all the way from Idaho. Their favorite game with these is to throw them at a ceiling fan and pretend the fan is an alien ship that they are attacking...:)

So the real question is, what to get the kids for Christmas, when they only like to play with the trash!


Brianna Tuckett said...

I love the story about the paper airplanes and the ceiling fan! How creative :) That is too funny!! With such a creative mother, no wonder they have such great imaginations :)

Unknown said...

So true! they would rather play with the wrapping paper:/ how funny! what a collection of planes!

Bobi... said...

This post really makes me miss you and your fabulous creativity Annette! Your imagination definitely carried over to your kiddos!