We LOADED up on sugar this year! We went into Idaho Falls on Friday for a Trick-or-Treat thing they had for kids. There were a ton of kids there. We met up with our neighbors and joined the hundreds of people there. We even ran into some of Justin's cousins.

Here they are at a booth.

We had to wait in line for about a half an hour before we got to any booths. Jenny took this picture of us waiting. Justin had to step out of the line for a minute, so it looks funny me and Tobee there with all the kids.

Here is Scooby and Daphene with the Mystery Machine. We had to get a picture. Even though they're bundled up enough that you can hardly tell who they are supposed to be.

We also went to Trace's costume parade at school. Mason was SOOO tired.

MacKelle doesn't go to school there yet, but Trace was nice enough to let her be in line with him. All the elementary kids march through the older kid's classrooms to show off their costumes.

Here is one of Trace, MacKelle, Tyson, and Keylee when we were in Idaho Falls. Trace and Tyson have been the same thing for the last 2 years. They are great buds! Keylee is a little lamb. Cute kids!!!
WAY CUTE! Did you make their costumes? Love the family themed costumes- building family unity on Halloween. :)
GUYS...we didn't know you have a blog! There is just so much to say about this...starting with the fact I thought Mason was Trace for a minute and Mykelle (I just ruined her name-sorry) is so big now! You guys look awesome! This is so great- now we can see pictures! Yeah- I'm so happy!!! Miss you guys tons- come visit Montana!!! You'll love it...
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