So we woke up the other morning and look outside and see a good few inches of snow. We do live in Idaho and it
IS October, so I guess we're due. Trace and MacKelle were SO excited. They asked me first thing if they could go out and play in it. I knew it wasn't going to be around long, so I said ok and by 8:30 a.m. they were out in the snow. It was really wet snow, notice how the tree is all bent over in the background. We had several branches break off our trees from the weight of the snow.

Here they are ready to go out.

We decided that to be festive since it was October and we had just put up our halloween decorations that we would make snow pumpkins. When I told Trace we could use food coloring and water to make them orange, he said "or we could pee on them". Ü Could you imagine our neighbors waking up and looking outside to that sight! I opted for the food coloring.

Here is MacKelle and her pumpkin.

And Trace with his. . . Are you loving the ski mask?

And this is what the living room looked like after they got cold enough to come back in. Of coarse you have to search through ALL the gloves and hats to find the right ones, and there is no time to pick up when you have fresh snow waiting for you outside and hot cocoa waiting inside. . .isn't it great to be a kid.
The snow pumpkins look FABULOUS! Even though I knew the pee story, I was laughing out loud as I read this post! So funny! Oh and BTW, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE MacKelle's silver coat! So cute!
That just makes me feel so cold!
Love the pumpkins! Great idea- you are a fun mom! :)
YEA! Love this post! And LOVE that you made snow pumpkins. Soo soo cute! JUST like a boy to think of peeing on them. A girl would NEVER think that! Soo soo fun!
That's cute! You're a super cute mom! My first reaction when I saw the kids "snow pumpkins" was, holy pee! I seriously thought it was pee! I wondered if Bigfoot might have made an appearance at the Moss residence with a full bladder the previous night. How else would you find such massive peeballs? Seriously, things such as this just could happen in little T-town, don't disregard this idea so quickly. There have been Bigfoot sightings out there! ;)
Thanks for the websites and advice about couponing. I used to do alot of that when I had all of my kids home and was buying alot more groceries. Then I kinda got away from it but I think that it is a good idea to do it and I'm going to try to get back into it. I aprreciate your help.
You are very creative snow pumpkins, I have have heard of snow on the pumpkin but this must be first. You looked like you had a great time! I know how you feel about early or long periods of snow, you made the best of it.
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