After seeing the fun some of our friends/family had going to pumpkin patches, we decided to find one. We found The U-Pick Red Barn in Idaho Falls that was so much fun! They had pumpkins EVERYWHERE! Not only pumpkins, but watermelon, and other yummy produce.

Here is a picture of some of the pumpkins (they were like this in every direction).

You can also get eggs, and behind Trace and MacKelle you can see some of the chickens. The kids were so cute! There was a lot to do there and they were excited!

We are starting the search for the best pumpkins. We made a rule that they had to be able to carry their pumpkin (So we didn't end up with the biggest one there and we had Mason to carry Ü).

Mase seemed to like the pumpkin search too.

The kids went through the straw maze (about 5 times).

Justin and Mason too. I think Justin and I had as much fun as the kids (Maybe more, check out Mason's and Justin's faces Ü)

They also got to ride on a "train". Trace was very excited and MacKelle started off a little nervous. As the ride progressed they both relaxed and had more fun.

Trace even jumped off and back on! I'm sure they were ready to kick him off, but it was a great day and a fun fall activity.
I'm so jealous! Looks like a blast! But Annette, you forgot to put a picture of you at the pumpkin patch! I know you had fun, but I NEED A VISUAL OF YOUR FUN! :)
I did have a picture that Justin took of me and Mason, but opted not to put it on because:
1. I didn't think it turned out good and
2. I wore the same shirt I wore when we went raspberry picking (already blogged). I guess it is just my produce picking shirt Ü.
Looks like you are having a fun time with your kids. This is such a fun time of year. Their halloween costumes are so cute.
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