Now for those of you not from Cowley, the Cowley Corn Cookout is a FUN event! There are all kinds of free things for the kids to do (Jumpy toys, slides, water slides, obstacle coarse, free cotton candy (as much as they want), bottled water to drink) and then after they've played all day long there is a wonderful dinner consisting of super yummy pulled pork sandwiches, or bbq beef sandwiches, corn on the cob (of coarse), and tables full of salads and desserts (pot-luck-style). So the kids just play all day and the adults can hang out and chat. It was great! I didn't get many pictures of Trace because I hardly saw him. He was having a blast hanging out with all his friends...each time I saw him he was with someone new!

This is a picture of MacKelle and I with our friends: Shayla and her beautiful kids (minus 2 of them, who were probably running around like Trace and having a blast)

This is MacKelle's new good friend her name is Rylee. She is a cutie. In fact, she has glasses too, and when they are together (especially if they both have their glasses on) they look quite a bit alike. MacKelle LOVES Rylee. They are in the same grade and will hopefully be friends for a long time!
This is the only picture I got of Trace, he was hard to get to hold still long enough. Here he is with Remmington having a snack break. Remmington is in Trace's grade too.
I wish we had awesome fun stuff like that around here! Looks like a blst!
How fun!! I love small town gatherings like that! Glad you guys had fun and are making new friends!! :)
We may have to visit you next year for the corn days, it looks like lots of fun.
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