For his birthday we invited our friends over for cake and ice cream. Mason really had no idea what was going on, but he loved all the people over.

And I HAD to have MY fun and make him a much bigger cake than we needed. But, hey, you're only one once, right?

The monkey reminds me most of Mason, partly because the monkey on Madegascar is named Mason, but mostly because he is our little monkey. He is ALWAYS climbing on things. He gets SOO frustrated when he can't quite reach.

The top tier on this cake is a removable smash cake for Mason to dig into...and he DID.

Some of his friends even helped him open some presents. Notice the gift we gave him was some baby shampoo. MacKelle dumped the other one we had out in the tub because she wanted the bottle. Poor Mason.

Looks like he really enjoyed his cake! Too cute! Don't you love it when they're one and they don't really understand what "cool gifts" are yet! :)
He is so dang cute! I can't believe he is one. I remember when we were at coldstone with you guys and bobi and he was so small. the cake rocks btw.
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