After Christmas we went to Montana to visit my family. My kids had a blast playing with my sister's kids. Here they all are having a "party". They started planning a "Christmas party", but my mom talked them into a cousin party since Christmas was over. They each decorated a little cake and they danced to Bert and Ernie classics like "Rubber Ducky" and "Dance myself to sleep".

Trace and Diego really had fun together, and MacKelle and Ali were adorable playing together. Makes me wish cousins weren't quite so far away.

I didn't get any super great pics of it, but Grandma was getting her groove on too. Ü
Looks like fun! Cousins are the best! And so are "groovin' grandmas"!
Christmas is a great time for the kids to play with cousins. They'll remember that for a long time.
I figured today would be kind of a sad little MOnday for everyone going back to school.
Cousin time is the best- Holly and I just did that over new years... I'll get around to posting about it someday when I'm done posting about Disney World and Christmas!!
Totally feel your pain about being far away from cousins. It's hard to be away from family. Sorry we forgot to contact you when we were up in Idaho over Christmas speaking of which. I thought about it on the way up and then totally forgot when we were there. Were you in Idaho for Christmas? Next time we'll connect for sure! :)
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