Friday, April 20, 2012

Trace's 1st Pine Wood Derby!

 So, last night was the first pine wood derby for Trace. He just missed it last year when he turned 8 and got into scouts. Justin and Trace planned and worked VERY hard on the car. They called up Grandpa Moss and asked him for his secret tips to make it go extra fast...and did a little online research. I have to admit, that I thought Justin was a little crazy with all the "little extras" that he HAD to do with Trace. They had a lot of fun with it though and it all payed off in the end.

 Here is Trace and his best friend Tyson at the race (yes, that is the actual lighing in there...very yellow)

 His car is the one on the far track...

 See the blur of it speeding by?? He ended up winning all but one of his races!!

 It was VERY exciting :)

 I tried to get his smile just after a win, but didn't quite...but he was having a blast!

 He ended up with two details on his car, and 2nd place for the Bears!!

Thanks Justin for spending all that time with Trace creating such a speedy car and making it such a fun night! I think that is what my favorite part of the Pine Wood Derby is...Dad and son time. LOVE IT!!


Bobi... said...

Awesome car!! And great job on the races Trace!!

Brianna Tuckett said...

The car looks GREAT!! Congrats to Trace that is pretty cool he won so many races!! :)