On Jan 25 this year we added to our family. Mason Rex (After Annette's Grandpa Harold Rex Streeter) Moss was born at 6:04 am. Weighing in at 7 pounds 12 ounces and measuring 20 1/4 inches long, Mason is our biggest baby. He has been growing well and is about 10 pounds now. He has been a wonderful baby. We are finding a routine that is working for us all. We told the kids that Mason's name is kinda like theirs; his nickname Mase rhymes with Trace and MacKelle and Mason both start with "M"s. MacKelle is a little mommy. She loves to hold Mason and kiss him. She has been very helpful since he was born. She has learned to answer the phone (as many of you know), she loves to try to entertain Mason and is great at getting Mommy things like diapers, binkies, blankets, etc. Trace is a little busier himself with school, so he's a little less focused on Mason. He still loves to hold him (Because he's "warm") and giggles when Mason gets the hiccups. Trace loves it when everyone tells him that Mason looks just like a little Trace. He's a proud big brother.